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Talk Club 

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What is Talk Club?

It's a UK charity helping men to improve their mental health through free to attend talking and listening groups. The groups provide a safe place for men to come together to talk about the issues they have faced or are currently facing and listen to the same from other men. They provide access to a hugely supportive and validating community.


How does it work?

The groups help attendees to understand how they’re feeling by encouraging

attendees to answer the question ‘How are you? Out of 10?’ and explaining why,

(1 = not great at all to 10 = really good). This is followed by exploring things they feel grateful for and any activities they use to help themselves.


The groups are proven, when attended consistently, to help build mental and emotional resilience. There is no obligation to speak initially, you can simply listen until you feel able to talk.


Our local group 

Takes place on Wednesday evenings from 7 - 9pm in Haywards Heath, West Sussex and has been running since May 2022. We have a mix of regular attendee's and first timers, and all are welcome.


To join or find out more, feel free to contact Nathan on 07525 125535,

or Gavin on 07976 957044 or visit


Session dates (Wednesdays from 7-9pm)

December 4th + 11th​ + 20th*  

January 8th + 22nd

February 5th - 19th

March 5th + 19th

April 2nd + 16th + 30th

May 14th + 28th

June 11th + 25th

July 9th + 23rd

August 6th + 20th

*Xmas social get together



The group is free to attend. Any tea or biscuit contributions to support the running costs of the group are always gratefully received though : ).

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