Integrated Therapy

Whether you're struggling with anxiety, low mood, anger, ptsd, loss(es) or your relationships - I may be able to help.
The Challenge
We're designed to survive overwhelming events by detaching from them emotionally in the moment. While this natural ability is helpful, it creates problems for us when used continuously. Why?
Because ignoring our uncomfortable feelings too long, does two things. Firstly it stops our bodies natural capacity to heal and secondly it leaves them to fester and intensify, eventually resurfacing in disturbing mental or emotional symptoms.
A Solution
Feeling safe enough to work with our deeper feelings and emotions isn't a given. Integrated Therapy offers just that. A safe trusted space to understand and integrate your past and present experiences at your own rhythm. ​​​
Having studied and continued to refine a range of therapeutic theories and techniques, my approach goes far beyond talking through problems. Sessions are tailored to include open dialogue, connected breathing, body focusing, visualisation, emdr, movement and creative expression as needed.
Fees (per 50 minute session)
Weekly £75
Fortnightly £85
Everyone is different, so we would agree the goals and rhythm of our work together at the first session, and review as needed. You can choose to attend online or in person in Haywards Heath, RH16 4SL from Monday-Wednesday or online on Thursdays.
You can see testimonials here, view my terms for working together here and
get touch with me at
If you're overwhelmed now, the breathing technique here may be of help.
​​​​​I'm a registered member of the bacp (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and adhere to their code of ethical conduct.